Double E and Larry Lee. While they do rhyme and are fun to say, more relevant to us, they are both symbols of Electrical Engineering here at Yale. I am currently standing in the lab of Dr. Lee's research group, a team that focuses on establishing connections between epitaxial growth conditions, micro/nanostructure, optical/electrical properties and device performance. Some of this research takes place in the School of Engineering and Applied Science's Cleanroom, located in the Becton Center. A cleanroom is a highly controlled environment used very frequently in semiconductor manufacturing and biotechnology in which perfectly filtered air flow significantly reduces large particulate contamination; and I am sure it comes as no surprise by now that undergraduates can be specially trained to use such a facility to take part in the cutting-edge research happening here. Furthermore, just as Dr. Lee's research combines two disciplines (electrical engineering and materials science), Yale's Electrical Engineering major provides the option to pursue a joint degree with the Computer Science Department, although all the engineering majors at Yale incorporate computer science to some degree into their curricula.