The Yale Nanodevices Lab is run by Prof. Hong Tang in the department of Electrical Engineering. Tang is a past winner of a National Science Foundation CAREER award and of a Packard fellowship for promising young faculty members. Discover magazine featured him in its “100 Top Stories of 2009” issue for earlier work on the use of light force. He joined Yale’s School of Engineering & Applied Science in 2006. This lab has already led to a number or ground breaking discoveries. The lab spans a variety of cutting-edge research topics from silicon photonics through quantum optics and opto-electronics. The lab includes an array of meters, including RF, microwave frequency electronics and fiber optic equipment, geared towards a range of low noise/high frequency/ultrafast signal measurements and precision controls. It operates a range of tunable lasers, several cryostats, optical benches, vacuum chambers, large magnets, probe stations, and a shared cleanroom.