Welcome to Long Island Campus

This is the accessibility version designed specifically for users needing extra accessibility features.
Feel free to check out the original experience here.

Welcome trail


You are now on the Welcome stop of the Welcome trail.

O'Connor Hall trail

You are now on the 1st point on the O'Connor Hall trail on your way to O'Connor Hall.

O'Connor Hall

You are now on the O'Connor Hall stop of the O'Connor Hall trail.

Callahan Library trail

You are now on the 1st point on the Callahan Library trail on your way to Callahan Library. You are now on the Callahan Library stop of the Callahan Library trail.

Callahan Library

You are now on the Callahan Library stop of the Callahan Library trail.

Business and Tech Building trail

You are now on the 1st point on the Business and Tech Building trail on your way to Business and Tech Building. You are now on the 3rd point on the Business and Tech Building trail on your way to Business and Tech Building. You are now on the 5th point on the Business and Tech Building trail on your way to Business and Tech Building. You are now on the 7th point on the Business and Tech Building trail on your way to Business and Tech Building. You are now on the 9th point on the Business and Tech Building trail on your way to Business and Tech Building. You are now on the 11th point on the Business and Tech Building trail on your way to Business and Tech Building. You are now on the 13th point on the Business and Tech Building trail on your way to Business and Tech Building.

Business and Tech Building

You are now on the Business and Tech Building stop of the Business and Tech Building trail.

Danzi Athletic Center trail

You are now on the 1st point on the Danzi Athletic Center trail on your way to Danzi Athletic Center. You are now on the 3rd point on the Danzi Athletic Center trail on your way to Danzi Athletic Center. You are now on the 5th point on the Danzi Athletic Center trail on your way to Danzi Athletic Center. You are now on the 7th point on the Danzi Athletic Center trail on your way to Danzi Athletic Center. You are now on the 9th point on the Danzi Athletic Center trail on your way to Danzi Athletic Center.

Danzi Athletic Center

You are now on the Danzi Athletic Center stop of the Danzi Athletic Center trail.

Clare Rose Playhouse trail

Clare Rose Playhouse

You are now on the Clare Rose Playhouse stop of the Clare Rose Playhouse trail.

The Counseling and Wellness Center trail

The Counseling and Wellness Center

You are now on the The Counseling and Wellness Center stop of the The Counseling and Wellness Center trail.

Outdoor Field Complex trail

Outdoor Field Complex

You are now on the Outdoor Field Complex stop of the Outdoor Field Complex trail.

Tour stop audio transcript

露天综合体育馆开放于2012年4月,位于长岛校区以东约1英里处的日出南路。这个综合馆是金鹰男子和女子足球队、网球队、田径队、女子曲棍球队、垒球队和篮球队的大本营。 Danzi体育馆内有一个适应各种气候的400米跑道、跳远沙坑、跳高和撑杆跳高区、越野障碍赛场、用于足球和曲棍球的人工草皮,以及能容纳1500人的露天看台和记者席。Gregg Alfano体育场内有一片人工草皮、粘土投球区、天然草地、300座露天看台、记者席和球员休息区。 我们的垒球场内有1个粘土场地、1片天然草皮、400座的观众席、记者席和球员休息区。此外还有6个新网球场,这些场地所使用的材料是DecoTurf,与美网公开赛的场地是一样的。