Welcome to New Paltz

This is the accessibility version designed specifically for users needing extra accessibility features.
Feel free to check out the original experience here.

Welcome to SUNY New Paltz!

You are now on the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Student Union & Atrium

You are now on the Student Union & Atrium stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Haggerty Administration Building

You are now on the Haggerty Administration Building stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Hopfer Undergraduate Admission Ctr.

You are now on the Hopfer Undergraduate Admission Ctr. stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Peregrine Dining Hall

You are now on the Peregrine Dining Hall stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Peregrine Residential Complex

You are now on the Peregrine Residential Complex stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Samuel Dorsky Museum

You are now on the Samuel Dorsky Museum stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Sojourner Truth Library

You are now on the Sojourner Truth Library stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Resnick Engineering Building

You are now on the Resnick Engineering Building stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

The Engineering Innovation Hub

You are now on the The Engineering Innovation Hub stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Parker Residential Complex

You are now on the Parker Residential Complex stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

College Hall

You are now on the College Hall stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Old Library

You are now on the Old Library stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Old Main Building

You are now on the Old Main Building stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Lenape Hall

You are now on the Lenape Hall stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

van den Berg Hall

You are now on the van den Berg Hall stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Village of New Paltz

You are now on the Village of New Paltz stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Athletic & Wellness Center

You are now on the Athletic & Wellness Center stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Wooster Building

You are now on the Wooster Building stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Humanities Building

You are now on the Humanities Building stop of the Welcome to SUNY New Paltz! trail.

Tour stop audio transcript

Nos encontramos en el Edificio de Humanidades, el edificio principal de clases en el New Paltz campus. El área de humanidades consta de varios laboratorios de computadoras y de geografia al igual que del departamento de Trastornos de la Comunicación 'Habla, Lenguaje y Audición. No dejes de ver el mosaico de 60 pies de largo y 18 pies de alto en el este del edificio. Este fue instalado por el profesor de arte y ganador del Guggeinheim Rimer Cardillo el cual le tomo 5 años para completar.