Welcome to North Carolina Central University

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Welcome trail


You are now on the Welcome stop of the Welcome trail.

Centennial Gardens trail

You are now on the 1st point on the Centennial Gardens trail on your way to Mary Townes Science Complex/BRITE. You are now on the 3rd point on the Centennial Gardens trail on your way to Mary Townes Science Complex/BRITE.

Centennial Gardens

You are now on the Centennial Gardens stop of the Centennial Gardens trail.

You are now on the 7th point on the Centennial Gardens trail coming from Centennial Gardens on your way to Mary Townes Science Complex/BRITE. You are now on the 9th point on the Centennial Gardens trail coming from Centennial Gardens on your way to Mary Townes Science Complex/BRITE. You are now on the ZOLD_Centennial Gardens stop of the Centennial Gardens trail.

Tour stop audio transcript

世纪广场是校园里风景最优美的地点之一。广场上有花园、小教堂和Shepard别墅。Shepard别墅曾是我校创始人James E. Shepard的居所。世纪广场的创意诞生于2010年,是我校百年校庆的一部分。广场的世纪花园里有一条贯穿整个花园的涡流式通道,沿着费椰特维尔街的西侧,将世纪教堂和Shepard别墅连接在一起。