Welcome to Columbus State Community College

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Welcome trail

Welcome to Columbus State Community College

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Tour stop audio transcript

Students arriving at Columbus State Community College first notice the visually striking pedestrian bridge. While the college was founded in 1963, the bridge was finished in 2001. Featured in engineering publications, the artist titled the bridge "passage" because it acts as a physical and metaphorical gateway to the campus where students choose various paths. The Career and Technical Programs Division at the college offers two-year degrees in dozens of areas including business, health, public service, and engineering technologies. Or they can take the first 2 years of a bachelor's degree through the college's Arts and Sciences Division, then transfer to a 4-year institution. Before we get started, let me explain the many ways in which you can explore our beautiful campus: - You can click on the front facing arrow to start walking around our campus - You can also jump to the next stop by clicking on the "Next Stop" button - Now, if you already know where you want to go, you can select any location by using the list or by clicking directly on the map - Lastly, remember that you can explore any particular location in more detail by clicking on the 360, photos, or video icons.