Welcome to Duke Health

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Duke Medicine Circle

You are now on the Duke Medicine Circle stop of the trail2 trail.

Tour stop audio transcript

Duke Health encompasses the world-class academic health care and research of the Duke University Health System, Duke University School of Medicine, Duke University School of Nursing, Duke-NUS Medical School, Duke Global Health Institute, and the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy. Through the integration of its education, research, and clinical care missions, Duke Health is steadfast in its dedication to improving the lives of all who come to us for hope, health, and healing. More than 30,000 Duke Health faculty, providers, staff and students work, study, and train in facilities across campus, including at buildings that can be seen from here at Duke Medicine Circle, and throughout our communities.

Before we get started, let me explain the many ways you can explore our beautiful space.

-You can click on the forward facing arrow to start walking around.

-You can jump to the next stop by clicking on the "Next" button.

-Now, if you already know where you want to go, you can select any location by using the list OR by clicking directly on the map.

-Lastly, remember that you can explore any particular location in more detail by clicking the supplemental icons.