Welcome to California University of Pennsylvania
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Tour stop audio transcript
Welcome to California University of Pennsylvania! Founded in 1852, Cal U has always provided a top-notch educational experience and produced successful alumni. "OPPORTUNITIES" is the most common word that students use to describe what they love most about Cal U. Our students are encouraged to get involved with organizations and activities, become leaders, and gain valuable experience that puts them on a path to great careers. Our university has many niche majors, stunning residence halls, and many other features that cannot be found anywhere else. Discover Cal U and discover YOU! Before we get started, let me explain the many ways you can explore our beautiful space. -You can click on the forward facing arrow to start walking around. -You can jump to the next stop by clicking on the "Next" button. -Now, if you already know where you want to go, you can select any location by using the list OR by clicking directly on the map. -Lastly, remember that you can explore any particular location in more detail by clicking the supplemental icons.