Welcome to Austin Peay State University
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Welcome to Austin Peay
Tour stop audio transcript
You can see the McCord, Browning, and Clement* Buildings from the Browning Lawn. McCord houses our Earth and Environmental Sciences and Sociology departments and our nationally-ranked nursing program, where students study in simulation labs. Browning is the main administration building on campus and includes the Office of the President. In Clement, you will find a 500-person auditorium that hosts accomplished artists, writers, musicians, and other performers throughout the year. On the ground floor of Clement, the Wilbur N. Daniel African American Cultural Center (WNDAACC) provides educational resources and hosts events for students. Other programs found in Clement include Psychological Sciences and Counseling, Political Science and Public Management, and Social Work. In case this is your first visit, here are some tips to help you get started: -To jump to the next destination, click the arrow on the right side of your screen. -Or, if you already know where you want to go, simply select that location from the list on the sidebar. -And remember to explore each destination in more detail by clicking the interactive icons included throughout each location.