Welcome to Academy Tour

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Trophy Point

You are now on the Trophy Point stop of the trail1 trail.

Tour stop audio transcript

Welcome to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Before we start, I’ll explain how to explore campus: Click the front-facing arrow to move along the tour route. To head to the next location, click on the “Next” stop button. If you have a certain location, you’d like to visit you can use the list or click on the map. Explore each location by clicking the 360 photos or video icons. Trophy Point is one of the most visited places on West Point, making it a portal through which the Academy connects with America. Trophy Point gets its name from the artillery pieces here on display, that were captured during the Revolutionary and Spanish-American Wars. It tells the story of West Point and its strategic connection -past, present, and future- to the idea that has become the United States of America. Over the years, Trophy Point has been the site of *barracks, *cadet artillery training, the West Point Hotel, tennis courts, an amphitheater, and most strikingly Battle Monument, which was dedicated in 1897.