All roads lead back to your website


The student search process

The student search process is a journey in which they're looking to find the institution aligned to their educational and personal aspirations. Optimize their process and increase the effectiveness of campaigns by using programs to be the first sentence of your story. Then drive them to your website, your most influential resource, to tell the whole story.

Awareness to inquiries 

You're using channels, like social media, to engage students, create awareness, and pique interest. The goal is to go beyond "likes", increase clicks, and drive students to your website. Once there, show more with immersive content to generate more inquiries.


  • Post a picture on your Instagram of a student standing in the entryway of their dorm. Have the CTA say, Come on Inside.
  • Have the CTA invite them inside and link back to the housing page on your .edu site. Enhance this landing page by leveraging YouVisit's platform to provide a 360 experience that lets them look around the room, meet their floor-mates, and get advice on what to pack.
  • Inquiry to applied

    Converting inquiries to applications cannot be one size fits all. Personalized ads can increase click through rates, but what you show them on the landing page increases applications.


  • If you're running ads to attract student athletes, create a unique mini tour highlighting your stadium, gym, and training facilities.
  • If you're recruiting for performing arts, bring them backstage and let them peak out from behind the curtain to see the audience.
  • Accepted to enrolled

    Accepted students have a whole new set of questions. They're digging even deeper into your website to get the information they need to make an informed decision. Showing them more drives enrollment.


    When you email accepted students link back to your admissions page. Instead of a standard FAQ section, create an immersive experience that both answers common questions and inspires them to enroll.



    Inquiry to physical visit

    Physical visits are critically important. The goal is to increase sign ups, ensure they come to visit, and after engage them to influence their decision to attend your school.


    Before and after physical visits send personalized texts to parents and students. Provide a link to see destinations you will visit, and afterwards a link to look inside buildings they didn't have a chance to explore. This keeps an institution top of mind, adds a meaningful touchpoint, and fosters the relationship.